Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to the course!

  • 02

    Chapter #1- The Reality of Free Facebook Traffic

    • The Reality of Free Facebook Traffic

  • 03

    Chapter #2-Optimize Your Facebook Page

    • Optimize Your Facebook Page

  • 04

    Chapter #3- The Importance of Your Personal Story

    • The Importance of Your Personal Story

  • 05

    Chapter #4- Giving Your Audience What They Want

    • Giving Your Audience What They Want

  • 06

    Chapter #5- Content for Free Facebook Traffic

    • Content for Free Facebook Traffic

  • 07

    Chapter #6- Free Facebook Traffic from Video

    • Free Facebook Traffic from Video

  • 08

    Chapter #7- The Power of Facebook Groups for Free Traffic

    • The Power of Facebook Groups for Free Traffic

    • Create Your Own Facebook Page for Free Traffic

  • 09

    Chapter #8- Best Practices for Free Facebook Traffic

    • Best Practices for Free Facebook Traffic

  • 10


    • Conclusion

  • 11

    Next steps

    • Before you go...